Overview: This
Web site was developed in the Summer of 2003 by Jessica Baldanzi,
Elizabeth Bulloff, Brent Dragoo, Alicia Fairfield, Claire Hunter,
and Kyle Robbins thanks to the support of a President's Summer
Undergraduate Research Initiative grant.

study of hereditary improvement of the human race by controlled
selective breeding.
Americans think of eugenics as something that happened a long time
ago in Nazi Germany. What many are not aware of is that eugenics
is a very real part of the past of both Indiana and the United States.
Indiana, in fact, was the first state to pass a "sterilization
statute," which authorized surgical sterilization of citizens
seen as a threat to the nation's gene pool, whether they were
deemed criminally insane, "feeble-minded," afflicted
with "pauperism," or otherwise undesirable.
This Web site is dedicated to the history of eugenics in Indiana,
a topic of which, as an integral part of the past of Indiana, every
Hoosier should have a basic understanding. You will discover that
Indiana was one of the leaders in the "improvement of the human
race." The proponents of eugenics at the time considered their
work humanitarian, yet from today's perspective, their methods
seem drastic, and even cruel.
your for visiting our Web site. We hope this research is a valuable
asset for you. Parts of this page are still under construction,
so please be patient with missing and incomplete links. Let
us know what you think!

eugenics in indiana
Last Modified: June 16, 2003
Document URL:
Design and Creative Work by
(Kyle Robbins), 2003 Travel provided by Dented Aluminum